3 Reasons Why Circles.Life is a Great Place to Work and Grow

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5 min readSep 5, 2019


At Circles.Life, every individual from our diverse and energetic team plays a part in making our ground-breaking initiatives possible.

Being a part of the People & Culture family where people are the CORE

By: Gladdys Choo, former People & Culture Intern. (Originally published here)

Since my internship with the People & Culture team started, I’ve been receiving questions such as: “What is working at Circles.Life like?” and “Oh, you’re working at THAT telco company ah?”

Well, to me, Circles.Life is a company that offers more than just telco or digital services — or let’s put it this way:

This is really a GREAT place to work at.

Disclaimer: The following writeup is not an advertisement.

1. Company practices at Circles.Life

From weekly Monday Meetings and Wednesday Lunches, to having a really awesome pantry — the food is always delicious. But seriously, beyond just looking at the food, it is really valuable that Circles.Life emphasises having shared meals during certain pockets of time, allowing all Circles.Lifers to INTERACT and CONNECT with one another.

A project to own from start to finish

I was very lucky to be given the opportunity to work on creating a Culture Book for all Circles.Lifers. Getting to know about the stories and reasons behind each company practice just blew me away, because of how these practices have evolved over time.

To start a practice amongst a few people is easy, but to ensure that the essence of such a practice remains while the company undergoes hypergrowth is a challenge.

With growth, there are bound to be changes to how company practices would be perceived and carried out by the employees. However, keeping everyone aligned with the new developments and to form bonds, remain the key reasons why these practices, such as Wednesday Lunches, are instilled right from the beginning and are integral to building a great workplace culture.

2. How is it possible to Work Hard, Play Hard?

There are so many initiatives for Circles.Lifers to join to make sure that everyone is able to work hard and play hard. We even had a super fun People & Culture laser tag team bonding session during my first week of internship! Of course work can get busy, but a short laser tag match, intense dragon boat race, or terrarium making workshop definitely made me a little fitter, and a lot more in tune with enjoying my work with so many great people.

At the end of all these real experiences, I will remember all the friendships forged, and how much more I got to really know who I’m working with. That is so important because people form the CORE of Circles.Life, and that’s what makes working hard and playing hard(er) possible.

3. Being a part of People & Culture

The company values of open-mindedness and work hard, work smart, take ownership are something that I relate to very strongly as well.

Meet the people operations and workplace experience team who have been an integral part of making Circles.Life a great place to work at! As part of the onboarding team, I really enjoyed making sure our new hires are able to feel welcomed and start work on the right foot.

Every small process matters to their onboarding experience, and I’m very grateful to be able to voice out my ideas and to see that they have made a positive impact on our new hires’ journey.

As I moved along my internship, there were opportunities for me to be a part of cross-team or department collaborations and even to initiate and work on my own ideas. This flexibility allows me to define my internship experience, and gives me a sense of fulfillment of my work. At Circles.Life, it’s really easy to talk to anyone in the company — and I LOVE that it’s always so easy to build on ideas.

Before I ended my internship, I was also very fortunate to be able to participate in Circles.Life Hackathon 2019. Working with people from different departments was not only great because I could draw learning points from their expertise — seeing the participants give their all to innovate was another great takeaway. It was definitely an unforgettable and exciting hackathon experience with my teammates from various departments!

4. Employer Value Propositions (EVP)

Circles.Lifers, in their diverse capabilities, are able to drive this unique company mission of ‘Building a Great Place to Work’ and to live it out everyday. I believe that I’ll never run out of Thank You notes to write in an environment like this where everyone is so generous and willing to teach.

The 3 values that Circles.Lifers live by!

There is so much more that Circles.Life offered me beyond this internship — I have definitely grown a lot in just three months, and this opportunity has reaffirmed my decision to make an impact in the HR industry.

Thank you Circles.Life for allowing me to unlimit my growth, create my own rocketship moment, and for being a great place to work!

Our rocketship is constantly on the hunt for #PowerInterns as we blitzscale and expand internationally. Being a Circles.Life Intern means you get full ownership over your projects in a dynamic startup environment surrounded by daredevils and risk takers. If you have what it takes, come be a part of our family!


#CompleteTheCircles #Internships #CirclesLife




Circles.Life is on a global mission to give power back to the customer through highly personalized digital services.